Tuesday 25 September 2012

The real reason why I can't sleep.

I tell people its because of school work or because of tests and that I have to stay up late. Really, its because I just can't.

I love those long minutes when I am alone with nothing but my pillow. There is nothing to disrupt my chain of though.

So I think. A lot.

Sometimes, I think about life. Sometimes, I think about God. Sometimes, I think about who I want to be. And sometimes, I think about ferrets. As you can see, it varies a lot.

I think too much. I can't help it.
My room is so still, so quiet. And my mind is so loud.

I hate it, a bit. All the thinking brings up things that I'd rather not think about. And its weird, because once I start thinking, I just can't stop.

I don't want to get into it though. That'll mean I'll have to think about it, and like I said, once I start, I can't stop.

Kinda like alcohol to an alcoholic who has just relapsed.

Such a bad analogy.

Am I even making sense? Its really late guys, excuse my stoner mind. I'll go back to counting stars now, and waiting to fall asleep.

This definitely is a weird post.

love, and love again,


  1. Sometimes it is tempting to stay awake thinking about things but I am always more tempted by the excitement dreams can bring.

  2. aww i hope whatever it is that's concerning you isn't a huge problem, just think it's a new day! :)


  3. I'm exactly the same! My mind just doesn't switch off no matter how tired I am it's driving me crazy xxx

  4. Thinking is the salvtion of humans!!!x

  5. I definitely know how that is...It's hard to just stop thinking...so much to think about.


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